St. Paul’s will continue to be St. Paul’s

Many of you know that I spent seven days over the last two weeks at conversations in Nashville and Dallas regarding the future of the United Methodist Church. I’ll share a little bit of that experience with you on Sunday. What I want you to know today is that...

The Adventure of Listening for God’s Future

At St. Paul’s we do real life. Real life at St. Paul’s right now means change. We have changed our organizational structure this year including the Church Council (see their May report in this week’s newsletter). We are experiencing more staff change this year...

Just a minute (or so)

Here’s our attempt to give you the most essential St. Paul’s news for this week in around one minute (this week’s is 1:19). Please make sure to read the rest of this week’s newsletter as well – we can only put so much into a one-minute...

St. Paul’s is Growing

St. Paul’s is growing! Last Sunday we welcomed three new members into the St. Paul’s family. Along with our Confirmation class and other adults, that makes 18 new members so far in 2018. The most common way to measure the size of a congregation these days is called...