Music Matters

Music matters! It feeds the soul and lifts our hearts. This Sunday is our Music Sunday, featuring the Chancel Choir and Orchestra at 8:15 and 11:00 and BethanyBridge band at 9:30. The Chancel Choir will perform Requiem for the Living. This Requiem is new music. One...

God walks beside you

On this Mothers’ Day weekend, I give thanks for all the mothers who have made a positive impact in the lives of their families. I also recognize that for many, Mothers’ Day is a time of grief. You may grieve the loss of a mother or grandmother, especially a recent...

Hanging in there together

This Sunday is our 4th annual Reconciling Sunday. As a Reconciling Congregation, we strive to live out our commitment to loving all people unconditionally. Our focus this year will be broad. All are welcome, period. This is especially important in light of last week’s...


This Sunday we continue to talk about What Matters Most. Our focus will be Unity. As I write, we are anticipating hearing the results of a Judicial Council case in the next 48 hours that will help determine how and if the United Methodist Church will stay united. I...